The goal of the LGPedia is to compile the most accurate and thorough knowledge base of everything in the LG15 Universe. It is a community-editable wiki and will contain both official information and photos released by the LG15 team and other material created and edited by the community. At times, we may need to lock pages and/or make “official” edits in order to correct mis-information or protect the privacy of members of the various productions. We’ll work with the community to keep the LGPedia branding consistent with the LG15 Universe and various productions. This may mean providing official photos for actors and crew, official logos, and other elements that will improve the information offered in the LGPedia. Although we’re big fans of every great web series out there, because the LGPedia is dedicated to the LG15 Universe, it should only include information about shows in the LG15 Universe or featured on Thanks for working with us to make the LGPedia the best resource for members of the LG15 community around the world.
Featured Content
The LG15 Community has thrived on fan produced content since the debut of Cassieiswatching back in 2006. Today, fans Eleven and Femaleprodigy have created a series that runs concurrently with LG15: Outbreak and brings in a fans perspective while filling in the blanks of the story for fans who don't visit the site regularly. To find out more, visit LG15: Awakening's page on the LGPedia.